Convenience Rice
Convenience has dramatically changed the rice market, with ready to serve Microwaveable rice now out selling standard uncooked dry rice. Convenience rice now accounts for more than 70% of sales for total rice consumed in the UK.
We offer a branded range of Microwaveable 250g packs with Plain and Flavoured varieties in convenient case sizes.
Our range includes Long Grain, Basmati, Pilau, Wholegrain, Egg Fried, Mexican, Golden Vegetable and Coconut Rice.
As the market diversifies towards added value products, the demand for lifestyle variants such as Mixed Grains, Lentils and Quinoa are taking increased prominence.
Whether you require standard products, are looking for new flavours from Indian to Thai, or are chasing a Tapenade or Tabbouleh, please call us and let us take you through our offering.
Microwave Rice
The range includes Long Grain, Basmati, Brown Wholegrain, Egg Fried & Pilau.
Pack size: 6 x 250gm
Microwave in 2 minutes